Wednesday 26 December 2007

House and Mind Training

Happy Christmas and Love For this Next Year to All!
We have a new baby in our home! Our puppy! Yes, he's not just for Christmas but for life, but what a responsibility! It's our job to train him to act in a socially acceptable way, and that doesn't just include 'sit' and 'paw' and 'high five'! These are the easy things to teach him because he gets instant gratification in the form of a treat for doing them, and a great deal of 'aws' and 'ahs' from the humans!

Teaching him new tricks is much easier than trying to get him to unlearn old habits. For example, he insists on peeing everywhere indoors, as was his habit in kennels. As an optimist in training (I've still got loads to learn!), I have tried not to go down the route of fretting every time my carpet gets another dose of puppy excretion, but have seen it as an 'opportunity' to point out puppy's 'errors', and run promptly to the back door with him, calmly saying, 'No, outside!', as opposed to, 'Oh, bother! That's another stinking stain on my lovely floor. We'll never get the smell of pee out the carpet. Will he ever learn, the stupid mut! We'll be up to our ears in p--- and s--- soon!' Etc etc. (You get the picture?)

I must admit, it is SO tempting to go along the route of the latter way of thinking! Our problem, I think, was partly to do with him sneaking off and peeing in a different room to us, so we had no way of instantly letting him know it was wrong, so now, as much as possible, he is not allowed to roam the house, 'marking his territory' willy nilly! (Excuse the bad joke!) Someone must be in charge of him now, and be ready to stop him in mid-pee and take him outside.

And so it is with our own habits of thinking. If we become aware through our warning signals of emotional pain or undesirable behaviour, or even through how others treat us, we can stop ourselves as soon as we become aware, as I do (most of the time) when I start shrieking at the dog! I can then seize the opportunity pup has given me to teach me and him something! Two for the price of one ! A 'win-win' situation!

I still don't know how I am going to get the smell out of my carpets though!

Love Liz

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